May 4, 2023

#Open Props#markdown#blog

Are you spoooky, or are you metal?!?

One of the coolest features from the Joy of Code blog tutorial is the integration of Open Props. It has so many design features that will make your life easier, without adding overhead to your projects.

touch choice meme

Open Props is based on web design tokens which means you don’t have to swamp your code with tons of class names, and can instead create your designs inside the style tages and css style sheets. And I am a big fan of that because it keeps your structural code and design code separate. It just feels cleaner to me I guess.

One of the coolest features is the integrated theme switching using their adaptive color schemes. For my version, I went with two custom themes: spoooky and metal which roughly equate to ‘light’ and ‘dark’ but sound much more ::inserts hip emoji::.

How do you do fellow coders?

But a funny thing happened along the way, somehow I created a light mode that I prefer over dark mode. And as someone firmly entrenched in dark moding all the things, this is quite shocking. I ended up using my own gradients instead of the ones supplied by Open Props. They have 30 pre-built ones, but I felt like making my own would be the best way to keep a unique feel to my page.